SSA Annual Conference 2023
Travel Grants
Travel Grants for SSA Meeting 2023
SSA offers travel grants to support participation in the Annual Meeting.
- Student Travel Grants are available to SSA student members from inside or outside the USA.
- Early-Career Grants are available to early-career members who have been members in good standing for at least one year.
- International Travel Grants are available to SSA members who are not students and who must travel from outside the US to attend the SSA meeting.
- ESC/SSA Travel Grants are available to anyone traveling from a member-state of the European Seismological Commission. An active SSA membership is not required to apply for this grant. This grant is provided under a cooperative agreement between SSA and ESC.
The grants include complimentary registration and funds to support lodging, meals and travel accommodations. For SSA 2023, international recipients will receive $2,500, domestic recipients will receive $1,500, and recipients who reside in Puerto Rico will receive $900.
We are no longer accepting applications for the SSA 2023 Annual Meeting Travel Grant Program.
If you have a question, contact us by email at