SSA Annual Conference 2023
We look forward to welcoming you to the in-person meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, which will include a wide range of engaging lectures and poster presentations. Click the buttons below to see the full schedule of technical sessions, plenaries, workshops and field trips.
Read abstracts for the Special Session on the Turkey earthquake sequence.
Attendees may search for abstracts and sessions using the online database:
This year’s conference will feature plenary sessions that will be live-streamed through the SSA website for those who cannot attend.

Jose A. Martinez Cruzado, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
Development of an Alternative Elastic Design Spectra for some Municipalities in Puerto Rico (Opening Keynote)

Joyner Lecture by Jack Wesley Baker, Stanford University
Spatial correlation in ground motion intensities: Measurement, prediction and seismic risk implications

Erouscilla P. Joseph, The University of West Indies
Volcanism in the Eastern Caribbean: Hazards, Monitoring, Challenges and Lessons Learnt

Machine Learning for Real-time Monitoring Panel Discussion:
- Greg Beroza, Stanford University (moderator)
- Kristine Pankow, University of Utah
- Lise Retailleau, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
- Frederik Tilmann, GFZ Potsdam
- Weiqiang Zhu, Caltech
View plenary recording
The Future of Tsunami Hazards and Readiness Research Panel Discussion:
- Diego Melgar, University of Oregon (moderator)
- Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Rocky Lopes, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (retired)
- Alberto Lopez, University of Puerto Rico